Friday, January 14, 2011

The Fatigue Factor

Clearly, it has been a while since I have posted anything.  The biggest reason I haven't updated is because of the fatigue that goes along with radiation treatments. 

I managed pretty well until we got back from LA after Christmas.  Since then, I have kind of been in a fog. 

The good news is that I only have three more treatments!  Next Tuesday, I will have my last session with the big grey machine.  In some ways, it has been easier than I expected.  My only obvious side effects have been fatigue and a really strange looking sunburn.  It has gone faster than I expected.  It is hard to believe that my weekday ritual will be over in less than a week.  What will I do with myself at 1PM every day?  I wonder if I will feel a strong compulsion to get in the car and drive down to St. Vincent's.  I don't know.

Before any of this started, I had a business trip to Orlando planned for January 19th, the day after my treatments end.  I booked my ticket back in October - even before my surgery.  When I found out I was going to be doing radiation treatments, I wasn't willing to immediately cancel the trip - assuming that I would be too tired to go.  Right now, I am very glad that I took that approach.  Having a planned event at the end has kept me going.  I think that if I had planned on doing nothing, I would have been less proactive for my own well-being.  As it is, I want to take care of myself and maintain my strength for the trip.

I have to say that I don't have the daily spark that I had when this whole adventure began.  Right now, it is a challenge to just finish these thoughts and complete an entry.  But, I have been pleasantly surprised that my attitude has been positive throughout the journey. 

I really want to write more, but I am about out of steam.  It is only 11AM, I have had two grande cups of Starbucks already, and I wanted to go back to bed at 8:30.  I am really glad that I have a friend traveling with me on Wednesday!  She might need to wake me up to get off the plane!  Just kidding.


  1. Jill – I also have a blog called “Being Fully Present.” Mine is on Wordpress. I have a Google notification set up any time the title phrase is used, and last night your blog was in that notification.

    First, and most importantly, I hope this finds you feeling a little stronger each day. I see that you are fighting your way through cancer treatments, and I wish you all the best. My Dad fought colon/lung cancer for ten years, so some of what you wrote about rings familiar with his experiences.

    As I looked through your posts, a few more commonalities struck me. We are both introverts, we both have cynical husbands :-), you frequently fly to Orlando and my daughter lived there for five years, you are “becoming more optimistic” and I try to help others be optimistic, your mother-in-law has Alzheimer’s and had a broken hip, my Mom has Alzheimer’s and also had a broken hip, and more.

    Bottom line, I often find that we have more in common with other people than we think. I am glad that your blog appeared in my inbox. I don’t want to intrude in your life, but I wanted you to know that there is now one more person who wishes you well and will pray for your strength and recovery.

    El Biddulph

  2. Jill, I was very touched and grateful that you were able to make the party for Shannon last night. It was so wonderful to be around all of our quality friends, and to receive the blessing that each bestowed. Thank you for using some of your precious energy to come be with us. Blessings to you as you finish this phase of your journey and go on to the next! We will hope for great things.

