Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Treatment #3

Today I went in for Treatment #3.  I drove up to the valet parking line, left my keys in the ignition and got out.  "Hi, Mildred".  She looked at me intensely, with a smile and said "Jill McCool"  "Right"  "How are you doing today?"  "Great, how are you?"  "GREAT!"  I head through the automatic doors with a smile.

I have learned that I don't have to register at the window, just walk in and go to the dressing room.  There, I put on my beautiful, pale blue, three holed hospital gown and sit down to read People magazine until they call me. 

I am early.  It is just 1:30.  Already, my life revolves around 1:45pm.  Finally, the nurse shows up to take me back to the radiation room.  I think she is "Melissa", but I haven't gotten her name right yet.  I will have to work on it.  There's a young guy, Cort, who is one of the techs.  I am getting used to the protocol.  I am in a great mood.  Just really happy and upbeat.  (I think that writing about all this has helped me to process, which is really good.  I do love writing.)

When I get positioned on the board under the big grey eye, I very intentionally read one of the verses. It was Philippians 4:6-7 from the Phillips translation: Don't worry over anything whatever; tell God every detail of your needs in earnest and thankful prayer, and the peace of God, which transcends human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds as they rest in Christ Jesus.  Isn't that lovely? 

As the eye swung around to the right, I ruminated on that verse.  The red light came on and the familiar hum started.  I stayed focused on that thought and smiled.  After two short "zaps", the great eye swung around underneath me to take a shot from another angle.  Again, the red light and the hum.  And one more time for good measure.  Five minutes - max.  Today I felt some warmth, like the first tinge of a sunburn, but that was it.

The tech came back in from the protected chamber and helped me get back in my cute gown.  As I passed the nurses station to go back to the dressing room, there were three plates with Christmas cookies in them.  I guess they didn't get the memo about sugar...

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