Thursday, December 2, 2010


Wow, I am taken back by the support I have received from so many friends.  It is truly humbling and challenging at the same time.

For example, sweet Keri Adams called me and set up the "take them a meal" deal on the web.  I wouldn't have a clue how to do that!  And, once again, I wouldn't ask for help.  What is so challenging about it is that I have not been in the habit of blessing others in this very practical way.  When I see the willingness to serve and give that comes from so many directions, I am blown away.  It challenges me.

And the prayer...amazing.  Jim was down at Brother Bryan Mission last night for the chapel service.  One of the guys there prayed for me!  And Jim said he PRAYED for me.  He boldly and intensely interceded for me before the Lord!  He doesn't even know me, but God knows him and He knows me.  I know God heard his prayers.  And I am humbled to have a brother who would lift me up like that.

I cannot figure out why people would be lead to faithfully pray for me.  I suppose it is the miracle of God that He prompts our hearts with love to pray for one another.  It is such a gift, and it makes me want to give like so many are giving to me.

I have no idea how prayer works.  When I was praying this morning, I told God that.  All I could say to Him was "I don't know how prayer works, but I suppose I am just following your example.  Jesus stands before you and intercedes for us continually.  I feel like I am standing right behind him, like a child mimicking her parent.  I have to trust that you know my heart and hear me."

I am awed by the great mystery in all this.  When Paul says in Ephesians that marriage is a great mystery, I suppose that applies to Christ and his bride, the Church.  There is much mystery here, but the foundation is Love, so it is safe. 

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