Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Sanctuary

I have to share about my first day of radiation treatment. That was yesterday. This time, Jim went with me. (I am learning.)

Once I was in my lovely hospital gown, they took me back to the radiation room. The door on this room is about 6 inches thick. It is encased with a lead barrier. I am going in to get bombarded with rays that everyone else wants to avoid. Fun.

The radiation machine is huge and it sits in the middle of this room. You lay on this board that has a mold that is the exact shape for you. (This was made up on a previous visit.) Once I am lying down, I look up at the big eye above me. Surrounding the glass that sends out the radiation beam, there are pieces of construction paper and index cards taped all around. On each of the cards are hand-written Bible verses. (Pictured above)  As I saw these precious verses, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the others that had been here before me.  We all had had a similar experience.  We were here, on the radiation table, getting treated for "Cancer".  It was scary.  It was not what we had planned, and all of us felt vulnerable and exposed.

But here, with Scriptures all around, I felt like I was in a sacred place.  PEOPLE had been here.  Fellow sojourners.  I had had such trouble accepting that I had anything of significance - nothing that would justify this treatment - but now, I was so blessed to be a part of this community.  It was so pure, so politically incorrect.  No famous authors, no Buddist or New Age quotes - just pure, straight up Scripture.  And it was so comforting - like nothing else could be.  So blessed to see these hand-written passages randomly taped on this powerful cancer-killing machine.  If it hadn't have been for the task at hand, I know I would have been overwhelmed with convulsive sobs of gratitude for the thoughtfulness of the others who had been in my exact position.  I was so aware that when one is face to face with life and death issues, only eternal truths offer comfort.

Have to run... I have an appointment with the big gray machine in just a bit.

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